Bergrettung Ubung Film

Im Winter hatten wir eine Übung mit dem Roten Kreuz und der Bergrettung . Ich hatte das Glück, dort zu sein, es zu fotografieren, sondern auch uns gelungen, einen Teil davon zu filmen. Schließlich ist hier, dass Filmmaterial. Der Film wurde mit dem Handy ohne zusätzliche Beleuchtung gemacht.

During the winter we had an exercise with the Bergrettung (Mountain Rescue) and the Rotes Kreuz (Rad Cross) which I was fortunate enough to go and shoot. These training exercises are fundamental to working out any problems and getting to know how the other organizations work in the field. We are lucky that lots of the Bergrettung are also fully trained Paramedics too.

Well finally here is the edited footage that was also shot on that evening. It was shot on smartphones so the resolution isn't to hot but considering it was at night with no external lighting (except for head torches!) it is not too bad!

Location: Mayrhofen, Zillertal, Tirol

#uebung #roteskreuz #bergrettung #ausliebezummenchen #training