January with the iphone

Just recently my Mobile/Handy contract came up for renewel, and I was left with a difficult decision to make. Over the last 2 years I have been shooting a lot with my iPhone 6s (I would say about half of my personal work is done with the phone, client stuff gets a full frame dslr!) so the dilemma that I was facing was do I stay with my particularly expensive contract (that is also 10 years old!) and get the latest all singing iPhone with it, or do I upgrade my contract to 2018 and stay with my older 6s?

Decisions, decisions!

I made my call after processing this months photos that had been shot with Lightroom Mobile (i.e. they are shot as DNG RAW images, basically digital negatives for those old enough to remember what a negative is!) Apart from not doing too well in the low light, which I might add ANY mobile/Handy will have the same issues due to the size of the sensor being smaller than you can probably see, I believe that a new device will have no difference to my images. Cheaper contract here I come, oh and I can spend some of the saved money on a new battery for it!

Remember that it is NOT the camera that you shoot with it is who is behind the camera that makes the shot, and the best camera that you have is the one the one that you have with you!

Have fun and do more!

#iphone #winter #itsahardlifeinthemountains #saalbach #mayrhofen #bearsonpatrol