Winter phone pictures

yes I have been a bit lax over the winter with my blog posts, all I can say is sorry about that but sometimes you just need to just enjoy life.

“Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.” Ferris Beuller

So I have included some of the things that I got up to with the family and friends, all of which were shot on the iPhone 11 Pro, which is now my go to camera for out and about, and part of my Every Day Carry (EDC). Large DSLRs create wonderful images but they are cumbersome and sometimes the best images are over by the time you get the camera out, set the settings ……you get the picture (or not as the case maybe!).

The best camera is the one you have with you!

#iphone11pro #winter #everydaycarry #itsahardlifeinthemountains