Mayrhofner Advent at night

So I just took delivery of a new iPhone 11 Pro, and being a photographer (as if you didn’t know that!) I decided to put it through its paces. So I took it along to the Mayrhofner Advent Markt just accross the field in the Waldfestplatz. It would be a real test as it is dark and lit mainly by candles and fires (and the occasional christmas light or two!)

All in all I was pretty impressed by the results, considering it is a phone with a microscopic sensor - well compared to my full frame cameras. The photos below were taken using the Lightroom Mobile App which allows me to shoot in DNG - a digital negative, but I was only allowed to shoot in JPEG using the Ultra wide lens. Still the results were good. The telephoto lens didnt provide much of any use but it was running at fairly high ISO’s, that one will get a different test in the daylight. All the shots were taken using the Auto function so I wasnt aware of the settings until I did the post afterwards. Talking of which, I only did a minimal bit of retouching, and most of that was actually making the pictures a bit darker (its just how I like them) or bringing down the highlights a bit to allow more definition to the sparkly things.

Well these were the first and will be far from the last that you see from it, as the most important camera is the one you have with you, and in this day and age it is more often than not your phone.

#mayrhofneradvent #iphone11pro #lightroommobile #mayrhofenimzillertal #somuessenbergsein #lovemayrhofen #lovetirol