It seems like an eternity ago....

Yes I havnt’t posted much here during this car wreck of a year, but I have been active taking photos. Mainly I have been using my iPhone 11 Pro and testing its capabilities as a main camera (dont worry I dont use it for weddings!) but they say that ‘the best camera is the one you have with you’ and this has definitely been the case as it shoots HEIC (an apple type of high quality picture as well as DNG in the lightroom app. I like the portrait mode (it gives a soft bokeh - or out of focus blur behind the subject ) but the software still has a way to go and unlike a real wide apeture lens it does not have the gradiation into the bokeh (check out the bottle cap on the beer bottle in #4).

Anyway here is a couple of pictures from the start of the summer in June. More will follow.

shot on iPhone 11Pro post with Lightroom Mobile and Lightroom classic

#itsahardlifeinthemountains #summer20 #lovemayrhofen #lovetirol